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Online Giving to Christ Church

We are grateful for your online donations and thank you for your support. Questions? Please contact or call 540-552-2411. 

Virtual Offering & Pledge Contribution

Christ Church's Offering Plate and Pledge Contribution. All gifts go to the general operating fund.

Designated Giving

Support a specific fund or church supported program, including Altar Guild, Building, Campus Ministry, Flowers, Music, Outreach, Rector's Discretionary Fund, Spring Fling, Staff Gift, Youth Group.

Please note that for Outreach, please mention which of the following in the note section:

Blacksburg Interfaith Food Pantry, Boys Home of Virginia, Guatemala Sister Parish Committee, Habitat for Humanity of the New River Valley, Intellectual Disabilities Agency, Montgomery County Emergency Assistance Program, Montgomery County Christmas Store, Micah's Backpack, To Our House, Valley Interfaith Child Care Center, Women's Resource Center of the New River Valley. 

Gifts in Memory or Thanksgiving

Provide a gift in memorial or thanksgiving. We will send a hand written note of thanks to whom you note, so please include a name and complete address. 

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