Education Ministries
If you are looking to continue (or begin) your relationship with God, to find a church family, or for a place to question without judgement we invite you to visit Christ Church. We believe that Christian Education is a lifelong adventure. We know that there will be hills, valleys and side trips but you can always come home.
We offer various opportunities which bring us together to share our common life, enrich our lives and offer encouragement and wisdom. Newcomers and old friends gather to foster intellectual inquiry, spiritual growth and emotional support. Together, we mature in faith, grow in knowledge and love of God, as we endeavor to live lives faithful to our baptismal covenant.
Children & Youth Programs
Nursery: Infants - age 6
Children's Chapel: ages 3-7
Sunday School: Grades 2-5
Public Theology & Youth Group: Grades 6-12
Adult Forum
Adult Forum is an important part of Sunday mornings at Christ Church. We meet in the Parish Hall between the two morning services on Sundays (9:30 a.m. - 10:15 a.m.), while the young children are in Sunday School. Middle & High school youth are encouraged to attend along with their parents and other adults. We have coffee and sweets for the body and focus for the mind and soul.
This year our theme is “Take Care of Each Other.” The entire year will provide intentional, provocative, spiritual education for all. The offerings will be varied and interactive, including information about mission and ministry activities at Christ Church; programs dealing with Biblical studies, matters of faith, and our church history; and programs related to humanitarian issues and our role as Christians and Episcopalians in the world at large. You will be asked to engage and grow.
Tuesday Bible Study
The Rector's Bible Study meets every Tuesday at noon in the parish hall. Please contact The Very Rev. Scott West (rector@christchurchblacksburg.org) if you are interested.